Torsional Link

Torsional Link

Animated link component with torsional movement on hover, adding dynamic visual flair to your UI.

Link Reveal Animation


Run the following command:

npx gopx-webui add torsional-link


hrefstringYesThe URL that the link points to.
childrenstringYesThe text content to be displayed within the link.
durationnumberNoThe duration of the hover animation in seconds (default is 0.25).
staggernumberNoThe delay between the animations of each letter in seconds (default is 0.025).
fontSizestringNoThe size of the font (default is "4xl").
fontWeightstring | numberNoThe weight of the font (default is "extrabold").
textTransform"uppercase" | "lowercase" | "capitalize" | "none"NoThe text transformation style (default is "uppercase").
initialColorstringNoThe initial color of the text before hover (default is "black").
hoverColorstringNoThe color of the text when hovered (default is "black").
lineHeightnumber | stringNoThe line height of the text (default is 0.9).
easingstringNoThe easing function for the animation (default is "easeInOut").
classNamestringNoAdditional custom CSS classes to apply to the link element.